Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

Autism, the importance of a comprehensive approach



Lila Adana Díaz
University of the Americas and University of Salamanca


1. Characteristics of autism

Lila Adana Díaz
University of the Americas
University of Salamanca

2. Repetitive behaviors

Kattya Guerrero
University of Cuenca

3. Primary caregiver overload

Cristina López
University of Cuenca

4. Self-care and coping strategies in the primary caregiver

Vanessa Arévalo
University of Cuenca


Autism is a condition within neurodiversity, characterized by differences in communication and social interaction and the presence of restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests. Currently, we know that it is a spectrum, so the variability of both behaviors and severity implies greater specialization. The least studied characteristic of autism has been repetitive and restricted behaviors. We know that these are associated with mental health problems in caregivers. Turner has been the one who has studied the most on the subject, classifying them into two levels: superior (circumscribed interests, rituals and routines) and inferior (sensory/motor). Having a child with ASD has a significantly greater impact on caregivers than other neurodevelopmental conditions . Primary caregivers, specifically mothers, tend to prioritize their child's needs over their own, being more prone to presenting Caregiver Burnout. The importance of self-care for caregivers within neurodiversity should be a priority. Therefore, it is advisable to promote support networks within or outside the family, coping strategies focused on solutions and, at the same time, ensure accessibility to quality care and intervention services.

Keywords:autism, repetitive behaviors, restricted behaviors, overload, self-care

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