Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

Studies in human mobility: considerations from social psychology



Paola Lupercio
University of Cuenca


1. Analysis of social support networks of Venezuelan immigrants living in the city of Cuenca

Soledad Suarez
University of Cuenca

2. Transnational social protection, case of Ecuadorian transmigrants who in the period 2008-2018 returned from the United States to the Cumbe parish of the canton of Cuenca

Paola Lupercio
University of Cuenca

3. Construction of the social fabric from the third sector. Case of the Haciendo Panas foundation in the city of Cuenca Juan David Acurio

Juan David Acurio
University of Cuenca


Talking about migration implies delving into a subject of diverse complexity due to its nature, multidimensionality , due to its multifaceted and interdisciplinary nature. The study of migratory processes involves the analysis of behaviors, attitudes, perceptions, relationships, emotions, and other factors that affect the social, individual, collective, and community realities of people in conditions of human mobility. Therefore, this subject is consolidated as an object of study of social psychology. The results of three investigations with a qualitative approach are presented at the symposium, to know: 1) Analysis of social support networks of Venezuelan immigrants living in the city of Cuenca; 2) Construction of the social fabric from the third sector, specifically the Haciendo Panas foundation in the city of Cuenca; and, 3) Transnational social protection of Ecuadorian transmigrants who returned from the United States to the Cumbe parish of the canton of Cuenca. These investigations and their approach, show a contrast of the migratory process with situations of social vulnerability, mental health, social well-being and social protection strategies generated by those who move between borders, as well as the incidence of psychosocial factors in the structuring of the social support networks that migrants weave in transnational fields.

Keywords:social psychology, migration, transnational social protection, social fabric, support networks

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