Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

Sexual assertiveness and its associated factors among emerging adults: an exploratory study in Cuenca (Ecuador)


Silvia López-Alvarado1, Sofia Prekatsounaki2, Hanna Van Parys3, aul Enzlin2,4

1Faculty of Psychology. 1University of Cuenca, Ecuador, 2Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies, Department of Neurosciences , Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 3Department of Psychiatry , University Hospital of Ghent, Belgium, 4Center for Clinical Sexology and Sexual Therapy, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium


Sexual Assertiveness, conceptualized as an ability to communicate thoughts and desires related to sexual life, is an element that contributes to healthy sexual relationships. With the aim of exploring cultural, relational and personal variables related to Sexual Assertiveness, 538 adults from the city of Cuenca participated in a quantitative study; the study relied on scales to measure their levels of Sexual Assertiveness, Double Sexual Standard, Satisfaction with the relationship and psychological well-being. Among the main results, this study demonstrated that there is a negative effect of double sexual standard in sexual assertiveness; and that such effect was moderated by levels of education. In the case of women, they reported higher levels of Sexual Assertiveness associated with psychological well-being and satisfaction with the relationship, while this association was not found in men. In relation to demographic aspects, no association was found between the variables studied, regarding duration and type of relationship. These results corroborated the evidence of the importance that sexual Assertiveness has, in order to carry out healthy and satisfactory relationships; and emphasizes the importance of education when studying these issues. The results of this study were discussed in light of scientific literature on the subject, and was contrasted with findings from different cultural contexts.

Keywords:sexual assertiveness, sexual double standards, emerging adults, Ecuador


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