Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

Reading as a key process in school learning



Marcelo Bernal
University of Cuenca


1. Reading comprehension and Contextualization

David Tacuri
University of Cuenca

2. Reading problems

Karen Morocho/Leydy Pereira
University of Cuenca

3. Physiology of reading

Marcelo Bernal
University of Cuenca

4. The game as a motivating reading activity

Nicole Aguirre
University of Cuenca


We cannot stop pondering the importance of reading in our lives. Reading is an activity proper to the human being; and that, through it, we are able to survive and better understand our environments. We read everything we see, from a simple traffic signal, a cooking recipe, the ingredients that certain products contain, to sophisticated literary works. The objective of this symposium is to address issues related to reading comprehension and contextualization where the semantic processes of reading will be analyzed. We will describe how the processes have been before and during the pandemic. Likewise, reading problems will be addressed, as well as alterations in visual and phonological pathways that may be the cause of dyslexia. The physiology of reading will also be exposed; the different sections of our brain that are involved in the reading process and the importance of understanding that it is not the eyes that read but the brain. Finally, we will talk about the game as a motivating reading activity, the use of gamification strategies as a learning methodology that generates various socio-emotional skills in schoolchildren; problem solving, collaboration, communication and improvements in motivation towards reading.

Keywords:reading, gamification , reading problems, physiology of reading

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