Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

The link with society in academic training: experiences and reflections



Paulo Freire, Xiomar Ortiz
University of Cuenca


1. Living our best years

María Emilia Rodas Villavicencio

2. Strengthening of rural management

Luis Carlos Reyes Orellana

3. Psychological First Aid and Emotional Containment in the canton of Cuenca

Valeria Hurtado

4. Prevention of dating violence in adolescents and young people in the canton of Cuenca

Santiago Barzallo

5. Centro de Apoyo Psicoeducativo

Diana Vinueza

6. Guía e intervención psicológica para víctimas de violencia de género

Gabriela Cabrera

7. Intervención en la Salud Mental del personal sanitario del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, durante la pandemia SARS-CoV-2

Camila Cobeña

8. Círculos de escucha y transformación comunitaria

Jonny Lata

9. Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas Locales de Protección de Derechos desde la participación ciudadana en la Zona 6

Ana Paula Izquierdo

10. Intervención integral en hogares de personas con discapacidad del programa Joaquin Gallegos Lara en Tarqui y Baños

Fernanda Cabrera (proyecto de medicina)


According to the Academic Regime Regulations, community service internships are mandatory for students, must be related to their area of knowledge, be carried out in marginal urban and rural areas, as well as be aimed at priority attention groups or people in situations of distress. vulnerability. For this, Higher Education institutions must organize programs and projects. In the case of the Faculty of Psychology, we have several projects in different areas, where our students participate. Reflecting on the link with society in academic training from the student perspective, is the objective of this symposium.

Key word :connection with society, university, academic training

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