Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

Personality and cognition in emotional regulation: protocol for a modeling study


Nadia Soria, Javier Mogrovejo, Jose A. Rodas
University of Guayaquil


Emotions play a fundamental role in people's lives, since they strongly influence our thought and behavior. An important aspect of the emotional experience is its regulation, since deregulated emotions can generate psychological problems and seriously affect social and work life. This presentation constitutes protocol for a study - currently underway - on the role of personality and cognitive variables in the process of emotional regulation. For the analyses, a predictive model will be carried out using multiple linear regressions including personality and cognitive variables as predictors, and suppression strategy as a dependent variable of the emotional regulation process. At least 114 healthy adults will be evaluated on their personality and working memory with a battery of behavioral and psychophysiological instruments, including questionnaires, experimental tasks, electromyogram, and electrodermal activity. This study aspires to identify personality and cognitive variables related to the suppression emotional regulation strategy; and to estimate the predictive capacity of these variables, that is, to determine to what extent these variables are responsible for the ability of people to suppress their emotions.

Keywords:emotional regulation, personality, psychophysiology , emotional suppression


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