Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

Prevention of sexual abuse through Edutainment


Ana Lucia Pacurucu

University of Azuay


1. Narrative persuasion and the intention to ask for help

Caty González

University of Azuay

2. Educommunication in the prevention of sexual abuse

Belén Navarrete

University of Azuay

3. Self-esteem as a protective factor against sexual abuse

Ana Lucia Pacurucu

University of Azuay

4. The role of perceived social support in the prevention of sexual abuse

Monserrath Clavijo

University of Azuay


In this symposium we present the results of the use of educommunication tools that were used to transmit a preventive message about sexual abuse to children between 8 and 11 years of age in schools in Cuenca. In Ecuador, as a result of the pandemic caused by COVID 19, cases of child sexual abuse increased significantly. For this reason, we evaluated whether, through the edutainment strategy explained by narrative persuasion, attitudinal changes can be produced in accordance with the preventive narrative presented. Educommunication that includes the use of children's stories, according to the structure of the narrative, the characters and the reinforcing activities, can also affect the intention of children to ask for help in dangerous situations. On the other hand, from psychological research, it has been shown that a good development of self-esteem in people allows them to seek help more easily. Another variable that influences asking for help when feeling uncomfortable or abused is the perceived social support that can be emotional, cognitive or instrumental.

Keywords:educommunication , sexual abuse prevention, stories, puppets

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