Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

Mental health and psychosocial support in crisis and emergency contexts



Eva Karina Peña
University of Cuenca


1. Before, during and after a disaster: Intervention in Pedernales and Sayausi

Lorena Delgado Quezada
University of Cuenca

2. Pandemic and mental health: psychological hotline 171

Paola Lupercio
University of Cuenca

3. Prospective of the Psychology of emergencies in our environment

Eva Karina Peña
University of Cuenca


Ecuador is a country of high susceptibility because it is located within the so-called Pacific ring of fire, in addition to being exposed to other climatic phenomena that are mostly caused by humans. As a country we have recent experience of an earthquake, which, in addition to mobilizing a large human contingent for structural issues, activated containment and psychological aid brigades. In these times, in addition, the arrival of new viruses and diseases such as SARS COVID-19, have further tested the response capacity of management agencies, but especially under the restrictions of the pandemic, the need has become visible. promotion, prevention and treatment in mental health. In this symposium we will address three fundamental axes, psychological care in disasters and emergencies in the Pedernales earthquake and the Marianza landslide , psychological care via telephone during and confinement of the SARS COVID-19 Pandemic and the prospective from psychology to generate a culture of response to emergencies and disasters that cares for the mental health of both those affected and those involved.

Keywords:emergency psychology, pandemic, disasters

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