Special Issue - Abstracts from the 2nd Ecuadorian Conference of Psychology

Neurocognitive disorders and interdiction


Daniela Matovelle


1. Neurocognitive disorders

Daniela Matovelle Quiroz

2. Interdiction

Paúl Piedra Vázquez


Aging involves the ability to make decisions, and is part of a natural process of the life cycle and development of an individual. However, in dementia or other neurocognitive disorders, deficiencies in the aforementioned capacity and daily life activies arise, thus requiring the permanent accompaniment of other people. This would lead to the determination of an interdiction process based on an expert or legal evaluation, seeking in each case the least possible restriction on their autonomy. Taking the above into account, there is a need to consider the cognitive affectations that may be associated with normal aging or a neurocognitive disorder and, with it, the assessment of a person's civil capacity for decision-making.

Keywords:neurocognitive disorders , interdiction, aging

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